Why I'm here
My journey into ecology began in the river valleys of the Shropshire Hills and the coastal bays of Devon, UK. Now, it continues in the mountains of British Columbia, Canada. My knowledge of the natural world around me has grown from my training in freshwater ecology and water quality monitoring, river restoration, natural flood management, species conservation, and marine and climate sciences. In 2021, I decided to dive deeper into rivers, estuaries and coastal waters by embarking on a PhD in Environmental Sciences. I am currently collaborating with the Plymouth Marine Laboratory, the University of East Anglia and Sercon Ltd. through the ARIES doctoral training programme to understand water ecosystems in a rapidly changing climate.
It is my experiences playing in the outdoors through hiking, swimming, surfing, white-water kayaking and, more recently, snowboarding, that continue to carry me through my career in research and conservation. A priority that will always remain is to nurture my relationship with outdoor spaces, collaborate with likeminded communities and support each other in practicing responsible, purposeful outdoor exploration so we can protect thriving ecosystems now and into the future.
On this site you will find details of my current research with themes including freshwater and marine ecology, water biogeochemistry, climate change and the potential of empowered communities through scientific storytelling. If you read anything that you'd like to hear more about, I'd love to hear from you!

Research background
2021 - Present
PhD in Environmental Science
University of East Anglia
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Sercon Ltd.
Project title: Greenhouse Gases in River Catchments to Coastal Seas. My current research aims to address knowledge gaps in the production and transport of greenhouse gases (N2O and CH4) from river systems into the coastal and marine environment. On a planet made of over 70% water, sharing knowledge of these fresh and salty habitats is essential to empowering local communities and achieving solutions to global climate change.
2020 - 2021
MSc Applied Marine Science
University of Plymouth
Taking a new direction into a world of marine biology, chemistry and physics, my MSc introduced me to practical research methods in coastal and open ocean science. In collaboration with Plymouth Marine Laboratory I discovered the global significance of threats to freshwater, estuarine and coastal habitats by investigating nitrous oxide concentrations from the River Tamar to the English Channel.
Thesis: A Comparison of Nitrous Oxide Concentrations in a River Catchment to a Coastal Sea
2015 - 2019
BSc Ecology and Wildlife Conservation with Professional Experience
First Class Honours
University of Reading
From farmland bird surveys to entomology lab practicals, and from forest ecology to marine plastic pollution, this degree exposed me to the diverse world of ecology and methods in nature conservation. I spent a year working in both private ecological consultancy and Water Framework Directive monitoring and management with the Environment Agency. This gave me the opportunity to study salmon and trout populations in the River Teign, Dartmoor, solidifying my pursuit of a career dedicated to freshwater and marine ecosystems.
Thesis: The Effects of Climatic Variables on Salmonid Densities in the Teign Catchment, Dartmoor.